Allergy diagnostics

Actuality of allergy diagnostics

Nowadays the prevalence of allergies has become so high that it affects almost every family. The “incorrect” reaction of the body can be caused by both food and contact with even completely ordinary and everyday objects and materials. Most often allergy is caused by dust and pollen. Allergy manifestations also tend to be various – itchy skin, rash, irritating cough, tearing and runny nose. There is often an intestinal disorder. In more several cases swelling on the skin and mucous membranes is observed. Dangerous are such allergic conditions as bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock which is an especially severe form of pathological allergic manifestation.

In the diagnostics the most important is the analyses of daily observations. Unfortunately, a lot of products and substances, not to mention the composition of the inhaled air, are combined, i.e. not a pure substance. In allergen diagnostics using blood tests (in vitro diagnostics) pure allergens (antigens) are used. They form compounds with corresponding specific antibodies (immunoglobulin E) present in the blood sample (if there are such).

Due to the fact that the spectrum of possible test allergens is currently very wide (hundreds), even in unclear situations, thinking over the choice carefully and taking one step after another consistently, it is possible to clarify the cause of the allergy. This is important because the treatment tactics of different allergens can be very different.

When choosing the probable allergy triggers – allergens, you should think algorithmically, taking into account when, where, how and how often allergy occurs:

  • seasonally or without rhythm of the season;
  • at a particular location or regardless of location;
  • by inhaling, ingesting or contacting with allergen.

In E. Gulbis Laboratory patients’ blood samples (serums) are stored frozen at -20°C at least one month, which allows the investigation to be continued, if necessary, in the light of the results obtained. We recommend initiating an investigation using allergenic panels (summaries) which allows saving money if the potential search direction is initially unclear.

For selection can be used specific IgE allergen panel. In the case of a positive reaction, the allergy will be against some of allergens, contained in the panel.

Dr. Didzis Gavars

Full list of detectable allergens

Contact information:
Payment issues – Sandra Dimante (phone 678801054)
Choice of allergens – Dr. Anda Krišāne (phone 67545052)

Specific 88 grocery (food) IgG4

Gulbis Laboratory offers a new test to detect IgG4 antibodies against 88 different food allergens in human serum or plasma.

Test price – EUR 240.-

Food allergies or other forms of intolerance in the human body can develop a variety of adverse reactions. The body’s reaction to a certain product may be immunological sensitivity of IgE and non-IgE, as well as non-immunological intolerance (such as an enzyme deficiency or a reaction to a specific substance).

Immunological reactions to non-IgE meditated foods are commonly referred to as food intolerance. The fact that IgE antibodies are not detected does not meant that the situation is less serious – apparently other immune mechanisms, such as lgG or lgG4 antibodies are involved. IgG or lgG4 – mediated adverse reactions with less severe clinical symptoms are more common (up to 45% of the population). Clinical symptoms occur late – 2 to 72 hours after contact with the substance against which antibodies are formed. The best possible treatment is avoidance of undesirable foods.

The research revealed that:

–          allergic reactions may occur independently of antigen – specific IgE;

–          reduction of IgG antibodies by product exclusion from the nutrition (diet?).

It is recommended that detection of specific IgG or IgG4 class antibodies is used in patients with unclear clinical symptoms or chronic diseases.

The intolerance of food products is determined by the following parameters:

Latvian English Russian
1 Jēra gaļa Lamb Ягненок F88
2 Liellopu gaļa Beef говядинa F27
3 Cūkas gaļa Pork Свинина F26
4 Cāļa gaļa Chicken Kурицa F83
5 Tītara gaļa Turkey индюшкa F284
6 Menca Cod треска F3
7 Forele Trout Форель F204
8 Lasis Salmon Ласось F41
9 Sardīne Sardine Сардина F61
10 Bute Plaice Камбала F337
11 Tuncis Tuna Тунец F40
12 Garneles Prawn Креветки F24
13 Kazeīns Casein Казеин F78
14 Govs piens Cow’s milk Коровье молоко F2
15 Aitas piens Sheep’s milk Овечье молоко F325
16 Kazas piens Goat’s milk Козье молоко F300
17 Siers Kamambēras (mīkstie sieri) Camembert Сыр Камамбер (мягкие сыри) F82
18 Siers Parmezānas Parmesan Сыр Пармезан F67
19 Siers Rokforas Roquefort Сыр Рокфор F143
20 Olas dzeltenums Egg yolk Яичный желток F75
21 Olas baltums Egg white Яичный белок F1
22 Ābols Apple Яблоко F49
23 Bumbieris Pear Груша F94
24 Ķirši Cherry Вишня F242
25 Plūmes Plum Слива F255
26 Vīnogas Grape Виноград F259
27 Zemenes Strawberry Клубника F44
28 Avenes Raspberry Малина F343
29 Greifrūts Grapefruit F209 Грейфрукт F209
30 Apelsīns Orange Апельсин F33
31 Citrons Lemon Лимон F208
32 Ananass Pineapple Ананас F201
33 Banāni Banana Бананы F92
34 Datele Date Финик F289
35 Kivi Kiwi Киви F84
36 Melone Honeydew melon Дыня F87
37 Mango Mango Maнго F91
38 Persiks Peach Персик F95
39 Olīves Olive Маслины F342
40 Fenhelis Fennel Фенхель F219
41 Gurķi Cucamber Огурци F244
42 Paprika Bell pepper Паприка F46
43 Sparģeļi Asparagus Спаржа F261
44 Spināti Spinach Шпинаты F214
45 Tomāti Tomato Помидор F25
46 Cukīnī Courgette Цукини F118
47 Burkāns Carrot Морковь F31
48 Kartupelis Potato Картофель F35
49 Ķiploks Garlic Чеснок F47
50 Mārrutki Horseradish Хрен F375
51 Redīsi Red radish Редиска F119
52 Selerija Celery Селдереи F85
53 Sīpols Onion Лук репчатий F48
54 Zaļās pupiņas String bean Зеленая фасоль F315
55 Sarkanās pupiņas Kidney bean Красная фасоль F287
56 Zaļie zirnīši Pea Зеленый горошек F12
57 Lēcas Lentil Чичивица F235
58 Sojas pupiņas Soybean Соевые бобы F14
59 Sēnes Mushroom Грибы F212
60 Puķkāposti Cauliflower Цветная капуста F161
61 Kāposti White Cabbage капуста F216
62 Baziliks Basil Базилик F269
63 Karijs Curry Kарри F281
64 Dilles Dill Укроп F277
65 Pētersīļi Parsley Мята F86
66 Piparmētras Peppermint Мята F332
67 Ķimenes Caraway Тмин F265
68 Melnie pipari Black pepper Перец черный F280
69 Timiāns Thyme Тимиян F273
70 Kanēlis Cinnamon Корица F220
71 Kafija Coffee Кофэ F221
72 Kakao Cocoa Какао F93
73 Melnā tēja Black tea Черный чай F222
74 Pārtikas raugs Baker’s yeast Дрожжи F45
75 Griķi Buckwheat Гречка F11
76 Prosa Millet Проса F55
77 Kukurūza Corn Кукуруза F8
78 Rīsi Rice Рис F9
79 Rudzi Rye Ржаная мука F5
80 Kvieši Wheat Пшеничная мука F4
81 Sinepes Mustard seed Горчица F89
82 Sezama sēklas Sesame Семена сезама F10
83 Zemes rieksti Peanut Арахис F13
84 Lazdu rieksti Hazelnut фундук (лесной орех) F17
85 Kokosrieksts Coconut Кокосовый орех F36
86 Mandeles Almond Миндаль F20
87 Pistācijas rieksti Pistachio Фисташка F203
88 Valrieksti Walnut Орех грецкий F256


Source: Fintest TM IgG4 Screen 88 ELISA Instructions for Use